Timely Topics

Don't Guess Soil Test

With record high fertilizer prices, it is more important than ever to efficiently use our fertilizer resources. The WSU Small Grains website has a number of useful tools and calculators for assisting in developing nitrogen…


Fall Applications of Nitrogen to Winter Canola

With winter canola heading into dormancy, it’s time to finalize your fertility plans for winter canola. Most research from the University of Idaho, Oregon State University, and Washington State University has shown that most of…

Canola Field

Cereal Pest Photos Needed!

The University of Idaho needs our help! Researchers with the Department of Entomology are working on USDA-funded project titled “Harnessing artificial intelligence for implementing integrated pest management in small-grain production systems”. The project goal is…


Farmers and Suicide Prevention

Have you ever had a bad day on the farm? The tractor wouldn’t start or the pickup truck had a flat tire? The answer is most likely yes. Things like this can be frustrating especially…

Burnt field with combine.

Understanding the Price Side of Revenue Crop Insurance

Some questions have been raised concerning the determination of the price used in calculating revenue crop insurance payments for Washington wheat producers.  Selecting an insurance plan can be complicated, and there are lots of options…


How Deep is Too Deep to Plant Winter Canola?

Winter canola establishment has always been a challenge in Washington. Canola prefers to be seeded shallow (0.5-1.5”) and in good moisture. The dry summers of the inland Pacific Northwest that cause moisture to recede deeper…

Canola Field

Dealing with Crop Insurance in 2021

With wheat harvest starting, the crop year 2021 has been one of, if not the most challenging years we’ve experienced here in eastern Washington and across the Pacific Northwest mostly because of a record dry…