Fire Prevention and Safety Tips During Harvest

flames in wheat field.

The Pacific Northwest is facing yet another major heat wave. This latest extreme heat and dry conditions currently has the vast majority of the state under a “red-flag” warning, which indicates a high risk of fire danger.

Therefore, with harvest starting across much of eastern Washington, producers are encouraged to be prepared for possible combine fires. In years past, there were multiple reports of combine fires, some small and some total losses (Fig 1.).

Combine fire while harvesting winter peas.
Figure 1. Combine fire while harvesting winter peas.

They say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” While preventative methods cannot 100% guarantee a fire will not erupt, they can and should be followed to reduce any potential hazards that arise during harvest operations.

The number one preventive method is to keep machinery clean. Crop residue and chaff can find their way into cracks and crevasses of machinery and can encounter heat/ignition sources. Therefore, it is important to power wash or use an air compressor to clean out and/or blow off and remove such materials. Secondly, make sure the equipment is in proper running order. Worn bearings, over-tightened belts, exposed electrical wires, or leaky fuel lines can all contribute to a fire. It is also recommended to check coolant and oil levels daily. Make sure heat sources like the manifold, muffler, and turbocharger are properly working and free of leaks. A scan for any hot or smoldering spots should be done at the end of each day’s harvest.

All combines should have an easily accessible and fully charged 10-pound fire extinguisher inside the cab. A second 20-pound fire extinguisher can be mounted on the outside of the machine at ground level while even a third can be back in the service truck/pickup truck or semi. A partially empty fire extinguisher should be refilled or replaced. And make sure to check the pressure gauge. If the needle is still within the “green” zone, it is functional. One can also invert and/or shake the extinguishers to ensure that the powder inside the extinguisher has not become settled. A shovel is also a recommended tool to have.

If a fire does erupt and starts spreading within the field, act quickly to try and contain it. Having a disk drill or some form of tillage equipment nearby can be used to create a perimeter or barrier around the fire.

Lastly, pay close attention to the weather. Days that are forecast to have high temperatures, low humidity, and high winds significantly increase the potential for fire danger. If a fire does erupt, attempt to put out the fire only if you feel safe doing so. It is always more important to put worker protection first before saving equipment that can be replaced.

Dale Whaley professional headshot.

For questions or comments, contact Dale Whaley via email at or phone at 509-745-8531.