WSU Farmers Network Q&A Webinar

With Dr. Xinming Chen, Stripe rust specialist. Stripe rust and forecast. This is an office-hour type of webinar, anyone can join online or call in at any time during this hour to ask questions about stripe rust and forecast. Office hour provider: Dr. Xianming Chen.

Soil Specialist's Online Office Hours Series 1

We are opening 15-minutes office hour sections to help you interpret your soil test results and answer any questions related to soil fertility and soil health testing. Soil Fertility Test Interpretation Office Hour will be hosted by Dr. Tao, soil fertility specialist at WSU. Soil Health Test Interpretation Office Hour will be hosted by Dr. […]

Soil Specialist's Online Office Hours Series 2

We are opening 15-minutes office hour sections to help you interpret your soil test results and answer any questions related to soil fertility and soil health testing. Soil Fertility Test Interpretation Office Hour will be hosted by Dr. Tao, soil fertility specialist at WSU. Soil Health Test Interpretation Office Hour will be hosted by Dr. […]

The Physical Properties of Soil Health Q & A Webinar with Dr. Haly Neely

The WSU Farmers Network is bringing you another Soil Health Q & A webinar in partnership with the Washington State Soil Health Initiative. We will be hearing from Dr. Haly Neely, who is a Soil Scientist in WSU’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences. She has robust experience working with the applied physical properties of soil […]