Timely Topics

New EPA Safety Requirements for Paraquat

Paraquat is the active ingredient used in a number of herbicides including Gramoxone SL 2.0, Gramoxone SL 3.0, Devour, Helmquat 3SL, Para-Shot 3.0, Parazone 3SL, Quik-Quat, and Willowood Paraquat 3SL. These commonly used contact herbicides…


Oilseeds Workshops Coming Soon!

Anyone driving through Eastern Washington over the last few years will have noticed an increase in the patchwork of bright yellow fields dotting the agricultural landscape. Canola acreage has been on the rise in the…

Field of canola.

2019 WSU Weed Control Report Now Available

The 2019 WSU Weed Control Report summarizes 36 field studies conducted across eastern Washington in winter wheat (4 studies), spring wheat (6 studies), chemical fallow (10 studies), chickpea (3 studies), fall-sown dry pea (3 studies), grass seed (2 studies), CRP (6), and organic cropping systems (2 studies).


What Does Fall Cold Temperature Damage Look Like?

With our recent cold night temperatures and warm days, we may see damage to small grain crops. Damage symptoms can vary based on what stage the plant is in, other components of the weather such as rain or (snow!), and soil types. Cold soil temperatures and temperatures that fluctuate greatly between day and night can.
