
Wheat Beat to a Different Drum with Karen Sowers & Ian Clark

Drew Lyon interviews Karen Sowers, Extension and Outreach Specialist with the Washington Oilseed Crop Existence Project at WSU, and Ian Clark, recent WSU graduate student with an MS degree in the development of perennial wheat, in this episode of the WSU Wheat Beat podcast. In this interview, we explore the benefits of canola in the crop rotation.

Field of canola.

Climate Resilient Wheat with Kulvinder Gill

On this episode of the WSU Wheat Beat podcast, Drew Lyon interviews Kulvinder Gill, Professor of Genetics and Director of the Climate Resilient Wheat Innovation Lab here at Washington State University

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Farm Bill Chat with Randy Fortenbery

Drew Lyon from the Small Grains team, interviews Randy Fortenbery, Professor and the Small Grains Endowed Chair at WSU about the expiring Farm bill.

Categories: Podcast