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Category: Weeders of the West

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Kochia, Kochia Everywhere, But Has the Emergence Changed?

Let me start by quoting a statement from Drew Lyon’s blog post on April 29, 2020 titled ‘Fluroxypyr is Everywhere!’, in which he concluded that…

Poisonous Plants & Weeds in Pastures & Rangeland

Over the last several weeks I have received many calls about managing weeds in different types of pastures and rangeland. These calls always seem to…

Fluroxypyr is Everywhere!

Have you noticed that you can’t turn around without bumping into a new herbicide product containing fluroxypyr? Fluroxypyr is a synthetic auxin (Group 4) in…

Herbicide Resistance: No Déjà vu

When the first group 1 (ACCase inhibitors) herbicide, diclofop (Hoelon), was introduced about four decades ago, wild oat control in cereals was the driver.

Herbicide Resistance: Can We Blame Costs?

Welcome to the second posting of the Weeders of the West (WOW). Let’s start with kudos to Drew Lyon for organizing this blog and recruiting…

Herbicide Resistance: Can We Blame Glyphosate?

Welcome to the Weeders of the West (WoW) Blog. Here we discuss all things weeds, with our first post about the wicked problem of herbicide…
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