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Weeders of the West

Sample of EPA Bulletin on pesticide label.

New rules for herbicide applications are coming, are you prepared?

University of Idaho's Doug Finkelnburg provides information about the additional Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) restrictions, Endangered Species Protection Bulletins, on pesticide applications in specific areas.
field being sprayed.

The IPM Continuum of Weeds in Snap Bean

Oregon State University's Aaron Becerra-Alvarez joins Weeders of the West with an article about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of weeds in snap beans.
Kochia trail through crop field.

New Herbicide Resistance Resources

Washington State University's Drew Lyon shares some new resources about the ever-evolving topic of herbicide resistance.
Hairy fleabane.

Glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane and horseweed populations in the Pacific Northwest

Oregon State University researchers conducted an experiment to investigate potential glyphosate resistance in hairy fleabane and horseweed populations.
Wild Oats.

Creative Weed Management Approaches Using Forage Crops

Washington State University's Dr. Drew Lyon discusses creative non-chemical approaches to weed management.

Weed Control in Organic Blueberries: How Electricity is Changing the Game!

A research project at Oregon State University explores the use of electrical weeders as an alternative for weed control in organic systems.
Sugar beet field.

Drone Pesticide Application: the second take

This article shares the dangers of drone-applied pesticide drift on nearby crops.
RoundUp Ready Crops.

Can Mixed Cover Crops Double as a Weed Control and Soil Health Builder?

Are we approaching cover crops and weed control from the wrong angle? In this post, University of Idaho's Doug Finkelnburg discusses the complexities and potential of cover crops for both soil health and weed control.

Small grains: the best and worst rotational crops for Palmer amaranth management in the PNW

University of Idaho's Albert Adjesiwor explains why small grains can be both helpful and problematic in Palmer amaranth management in the Pacific Northwest.
Russian thistle seedling emerging in wheat.

Russian thistle seedbank longevity and seedling emergence

Oregon State University's Fernando Oreja and Judit Barroso share the results of experiments conducted to determine Russian thistle seedbank longevity and seedling emergence dynamics.

Some Concerns with Roundup Ready Spring Canola for Italian Ryegrass Control

Washington State University's Dr. Drew Lyon shares the results of field studies done to evaluate the benefits of using herbicides with different modes of action, both with and without glyphosate, for the control of Italian ryegrass in glyphosate-resistant spring canola.
An overview of pulse electric field application in Nursery Beds near Boring, OR, in the fall of 2023.

WATTS UP! Exploring Soil Applied Pulse Electric Field as an Alternative to Methyl Bromide

Contributors from Oregon State University share some initial findings from their project, which explores the use of pulse electric fields to eliminate soil pests in hardwood nursery beds, with a particular focus on the impact on weed populations.
Agricultural drone in action.

Need Aerial Pesticide Spray? Call the Drone Guy!

Oregon State University's Joel Felix provides useful information about drones in agriculture.
Blackgrass in barley.

The Global Challenge of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

The University of Idaho's Doug Finkelnburg examines the global landscape and identifies herbicide-resistant weeds in various crops that are causing the most severe challenges for producers.
Yellow nutsedge grow into potatoes.

Yellow nutsedge–your next healthy snack?

Washington State University's Dr. Rui Liu sparks a conversation about yellow nutsedge in the potato industry.
Field with pink locator flags where herbicide study took place.

Finding alternatives to glyphosate for pre-plant weed control

Over the past three years, the University of Idaho's Chandra Montgomery and Albert Adjesiwor have been evaluating several herbicides and herbicide combinations to find herbicides that satisfy the criteria for the “ideal” pre-plant burndown herbicide.
Downy brome and Italian ryegrass.

When do winter annual grass weeds germinate?

Judit Barroso with Oregon State University shares some research into understanding the germination of several problem grass weeds in wheat to help optimize control strategies.
Weed growing in crop.

Crop Competition Is Critical for Weed Control

What crop establishment practices have you found to be most beneficial to establishing a competitive crop?
Blueberry bushes.

Brake On! A New Herbicide in Highbush Blueberry

Oregon State University's Marcelo Moretti and David King share the results of Brake On! application in blueberry and other horticultural crops.
Amaranth veggie greens.

Enjoying Amaranth green veggies on your dinner table

In this article, Oregon State University's Joel Felix shares that while Amaranth is considered weedy, some members are grown ornamentally as well as for grain and/or as a green vegetable.
Downy brome and Italian ryegrass.

Pacific Northwest Problem Weeds Survey Results

University of Idaho's Doug Finkelnburg shares the results of the Pacific Northwest Problem Weeds Survey.
Russian thistle on Lincoln grade trail in Prosser, Washington.

Tumbleweeds tumbling in the Columbia Basin

A new contributor to the Weeders of the West forum, Dr. Rui Liu shares knowledge about Russian thistle commonly found in the U.S.
Wild Oats.

Why do they [weeds] keep coming back? Well, weeds save a lot in the weed seedbank

Albert T. Adjesiwor with the University of Idaho shares why weeds are so hard to eliminate and recent research into weed seedbanks.
Russian-thistle plants growing on tall and short stubble.

Russian-thistle dispersion and the effect of plant size and stubble height

Oregon State University's Fernando Oreja and Judit Barroso share their research into reducing Russian-thistle dispersion post-harvest.

Is No-Till Sustainable?

To till or not to till...that is the topic of this discussion. We invite you to share your insights and opinions!
Hazelnut research farm.

Protecting hazelnut trunks from herbicide injury

Contributed by Oregon State University's  Ryan Hill and Marcelo Moretti, this post shares their studies of the effects of glufosinate to understand how to better protect young trees from herbicide injury.

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