It's Report Season: 2022 Research Progress and Weed Control Reports Are Now Available

Postharvest Russian thistle in Lind, Washington.
Postharvest Russian thistle.

Two new reports are now available on the WSU Wheat and Small Grains website: the Washington Grain Commission’s 2022-2023 Research Progress Reports and the 2022 WSU Weed Control Report.

2022-23 Research Progress Reports

The Washington Grain Commission will hold its Wheat and Barley Research Review on February 15 at the Marriott Courtyard in Pullman. This annual review provides growers and other industry members the opportunity to see and hear results from research the Commission funded the previous year.

Researchers from Washington State University and the USDA-ARS will give brief presentations and answer grower and commissioner questions on their proposed or previously funded research. Researchers also present their ideas for new research that the Commission will consider for funding in the coming fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023.

You can review the 2022-2023 Research Progress Reports on our website.

2022 WSU Weed Control Report

Drew Lyon and Ian Burke, WSU weed scientists, manage numerous field studies to evaluate new herbicides, and new uses of older herbicides, to manage weeds of concern to dryland farmers in eastern Washington. Their research is partially funded by the Washington Grain Commission, USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council, Washington Oilseeds Commission, Washington State Commission on Pesticide Registration, Otto and Doris Amen Dryland Research Endowment, The Washington Turfgrass Seed Commission, and the Organic Research Extension Initiative. Private agricultural chemical companies also partially support some of the research. These studies are summarized in the annual 2022 WSU Weed Control Report.

The 2022 report summarizes 18 field studies conducted across eastern Washington in winter wheat (7 studies), spring wheat (1 study), chickpeas (2 studies), chemical fallow (4 studies), spring canola (1 study), Kentucky bluegrass (1 study), and cropping systems (2 studies). The report also includes the precipitation records for Pullman and Davenport, Washington.

Weeds investigated include:

Annual reports dating back to 2013 are also available.

Drew Lyon.

For questions or comments, contact Drew Lyon via email at or phone at 509-335-2961.